Who We Are
Our head office is located at Bangalore, India. Our project offices at Ahmedabad, Chhatral for operations back up of western region and at Durgapur, West Bengal for operations back up of eastern region. We have our API grade Barite manufacturing facility at Cudappa, AP and API Grade Mud Chemicals manufacturing facility at Chatral, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Petropath’s state of art engineering division located at Andra Pradesh, cater to oil field and mining needs of Filter Units, Oilfield consumables, Solids Control Equipments, Effluent Treatment Plant etc.
To be recognized in our industry as the global leader in QHSE performance.
- To ensure that all our activities are carried out in a healthy, safe and environmentally responsible manner.
- To educate and influence employees so that they embrace health, safety and environmental policies, practices and procedures.
- Use and follow directions of MSDS while using chemicals to avoid hazardous chemical related incidents and accidents.
Our Commitment to Quality
- No accidents
- No damage to the environment
- Commitment, leadership and accountability
- To implement and communicate internal policies to ensure compliance with Customer’s H.S.E. requirements incorporating best practices and safe systems of work.
- Risk management process and control measures
- Teamwork
- Documentation and performance review, audits, review and inspections
- Continuous improvement and “Beyond the Best” initiatives
Board of Directors

Bhaskar Naik

Mr. Sree Ramalu
Director Operations
Postgraduate in Msc Chemistry, Mr Sreeramalu have an extensive 40 years experience , 3 years he worked as scientist in IISc bangalore, after that he has joined Maharatna Company ONGC, He has given his 33 years of service to oil and gas Industry and Finally retired as DGM Drilling Fluid Services. After his retirement Mr, s is now associated with Petroapth as senior consultant and guide us for making Petroapth as leading Mud servicing company in India

Mr. Alok Singh