Effective Drilling Waste Management Services

In the realm of modern industrial practices, the significance of responsible waste management cannot be overstated. This is especially true for the oil and gas sector, where drilling operations generate substantial amounts of waste that need to be managed efficiently and sustainably. In this context, Petropath Fluids India Pvt. Ltd. stands out as a pioneering provider of effective drilling waste management services that prioritize both operational excellence and environmental consciousness.

Ensuring Environmental Responsibility

Conservation, protection and preservation of environment are the responsibility of every human being. Therefore, natural resources of the country are to be utilized optimally without adversely affecting either the health of the people or the environment. Drilling wastes pose a potential threat to human health and the environment due to the presence of significant concentrations of heavy metals, salts, hydrocarbons and other organic compounds.


It's Closed Loop System
The total cost of a closed loop system includes the following major items: surface damage payment, solids removal, water, mud, ancillary equipment, flocculation unit, labour, and chemicals. An operator can expect less surface damage for wells drilled without pits. If the surface land is used for growing row crops or other crops for which level ground is important, subsequent subsidence of a reclaimed pit may be a burden to the surface owner. Moreover, many farmers claim to experience a long-term loss of production from the land on which a pit was constructed. Pitless Drilling is the only solution for all the problems associated with the pits.
Once a closed loop system is designed, its cost must be compared to the cost of constructing and reclaiming reserve pits. The cost to construct and reclaim a reserve pit is fixed, whereas the cost of using a closed loop system increases over time. The longer it takes to drill a well, the less economically beneficial a closed loop system will be. A break-even point for a particular well or group of wells can be determined by calculating the costs of pit and pitless drilling as a function of time.
  • Mud
  • Land
  • Water
  • Chemicals
  • Vehicle Mobility
  • No Civil Works and No thick HDPE liners
  • Drill site construction and closure costs per well.
  • Operator Liability costs will be reduced up to nil.
  • 100% Environmental Friendly


Water is an essential factor of upstream oil and gas field production. Petropath provides expertise, treatment technologies and processes for all types of conventional and non-conventional extraction. This includes developing, implementing and servicing sludge, wastewater and water treatment plants for oil refineries, petrochemicals, and the gas industry. For several decades, we have offered companies in the oil and gas sectors a wide range of technologies and industrial processes. We are particularly renowned for solutions related to the upstream activities of the oil industry.
Water is an essential element for extracting and refining hydrocarbons, and quality water is useful throughout the various processes of these actions – whether for prospecting, enhanced oil recovery, or enhanced chemical recovery. The final treatment to reduce the TDS of water by Industrial RO is added technology wherever Oil well being drilled with Salt/KCl mud.
Our water technologies guarantee our customers a competitive advantage by reducing their water needs while ensuring compliance with regulations.

Our technology and services have helped our clients achieve:

  • Protect Environment
  • Better recovery of crude oil.
  • Treatment of injection water.
  • Produced water treatment for reuse.