Health promotion, early treatment and close follow up of sick to be effective in reducing absence from work. We have specially focused on the plan process, improvement of mapping activities and documentation and follow up of actions. The strength of a company’s commitment to health, safety and the environment is determined by the conviction of its management and the execution of its QHSE system by all of its employees. We are determined to be the leader in QHSE performance in the industry. As a compliment to the health promotion we have planned to give the training time to time.
Petropath Fluids (India) Pvt.Ltd. employees and consultants are the Company’s most important asset. Preventing occupational injuries and illnesses and protection of the environment are of such consequence that management will provide all the facilities and support reasonably required to ensure success.
A duty of care exists for the health and safety of all personnel that come into contact with drilling fluids and drilling fluid additives. This duty of care would be clearly demonstrated by the Company and the Contractor in terms of implementing the following health and safety strategies.
The Company in conjunction with Contractors would provide ongoing health and safety instruction for all personnel on hazard avoidance and safe handling of all drilling fluid products.
Health and safety data covering all drilling fluid products would be disseminated to all personnel. This will be done via Material Safety Data Sheets and the posting of Health and Safety Information notices in appropriate work areas. These notices will detail product name, hazard classification, personnel protective equipment and remedial treatment for accidental exposure or ingestion. All dangerous goods will carry appropriate dangerous goods labels. Clear guidance will be given on the use of personnel protective equipment and barrier creams to minimize personnel exposure to drilling fluid additives.
Companies use these ambiguous terms to promote goods and services, sometimes with additional, more specific certifications, such as ecolabels. more
A duty of care also exists for our environment, which would be demonstrated by the Company and the Contractors in terms of implementing strategies and rig modifications that minimize the impact of drilling fluid operations on our environment
The Company would comply with State and Federal synthetic oil discharge limits, while striving to further reduce drilling fluid discharges.
The Company rigs and platforms will be rigorously surveyed to evaluate the integrity of all drilling fluid containment systems. All care will be taken by company personel to avoid accidental drilling fluid or chemical spills on the rig, such that they do not discharge straight into our environment
The use of synthetic oils will be controlled in accordance with the Company’s drilling fluid selection criteria. When synthetic oils are used the Company will conduct ongoing characterisation and quality control tests to confirm product integrity and compliance.
We acknowledge that the environment can be protected through the design of environmentally acceptable products and responsible use of those products. Petropath Fluids (India) committed to the continuous improvement of its global health, safety and environmental processes while supplying high-quality, environmentally responsible products and services to our customers
Petropath Fluids (India) Pvt. committed to a health, safety and environmental management system that conforms to the best practices of our industry. Health, safety and environmental considerations are a top priority in the planning and development of products, services and processes. We acknowledge the principle that all accidents can be prevented and actively promote the highest standards of safety awareness and performance.. Our objective is the lowest possible number of accidents, injuries, illnesses and environmental problems.
Petropath Fluids (India) Pvt. Ltd. recognizes the importance of working closely with its customers and contractors. Only through the cooperative effort of all can the best possible health, safety and environmental record be achieved. This policy requires internal cooperation in all health, safety and environmental matters, not only between supervisor and employee, but also between each employee and his fellow workers.

Importance of healthy work environment
Petropath Fluids (India) Pvt. Ltd. recognizes that the responsibilities for health, safety and the environment are shared:
Management accepts responsibility for leadership of the health, safety and environmental program, for its effectiveness and improvement and for providing the safeguards required to ensure safe, environmentally responsible conditions.
Supervisors are responsible for developing proper attitudes towards health, safety and the environment in themselves and directing those whom they supervise toward this goal. Supervisors are responsible locally for ensuring that all operations are performed with the utmost regard for the health and safety of personnel and protection of the environment.
All employees are responsible for wholehearted, genuine cooperation with every aspect of the health, safety and environmental program. This includes compliance with all rules and regulations and continuous, safe, environmentally responsible job performance.