HDD Desanders

Welcome to Petropath Fluids India Pvt. Ltd., where innovation meets precision. Our premium quality HDD desanders are engineered to enhance drilling operations in the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) industry. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the significance of desanders, their features, and how they contribute to successful trenchless construction projects.

What Is an HDD Desander?

An HDD desander is a vital component in the HDD process. It is a solid control device equipped with a set of hydrocyclones that efficiently separates sand and silt from the drilling fluids. The desander is strategically positioned after the shale shaker and degasser but before the desilter. Let’s delve into the details.

Petropath HDD Desander

Key Functions of HDD Desander

  1. Solid Removal:
    • The desander effectively removes abrasive solids (such as sand and silt) from the drilling fluid.
    • It ensures that these solids, which cannot be removed by shakers, do not compromise drilling efficiency.
  2. Particle Size Range:
    • Desanders typically separate solids within the range of 45-74μm.
    • They play a crucial role in maintaining borehole stability and preventing equipment wear.
  3. Centrifugal Pump Operation:
    • A centrifugal pump transports the drilling fluid from the mud tank into the set of hydrocyclones.
    • Desanders have no moving parts, ensuring reliability and minimal maintenance.

Features of Petropath’s HDD Desanders

  1. Robust Build:
    • Our desanders are constructed to withstand harsh drilling conditions.
    • Premium materials ensure longevity and resistance to wear.
  2. Customization Options:
    • Choose the appropriate cone size based on your project requirements.
    • Opt for materials compatible with the drilling environment.
  3. Efficient Solids Separation:
    • Petropath’s desanders efficiently remove solids, maintaining optimal drilling fluid properties.
    • Consistent mud quality leads to successful HDD projects.

Benefits of Using Petropath’s HDD Desanders

  • Enhanced Drilling Efficiency: Proper solids removal improves drilling speed and borehole stability.
  • Reduced Downtime: Reliable desanders minimize interruptions during drilling operations.
  • Cost-Effective: Efficient mud management saves time and resources.
  • Expert Support: Our team assists with installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.


Petropath’s HDD desanders are more than equipment; they are essential partners in successful trenchless construction. Trust our expertise and invest in quality for seamless drilling operations. Contact us today to explore our range of high-performance HDD desanders!